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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Difference between Essay and Report.

The two different forms of writing.

Students often mistake between Essay and Report . Here is a simple solution to their problem.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Difference between NOUN and VERB

This basic difference between NOUN  and VERB is necessary to understand for anyone aspiring to learn English language. 

Monday, April 10, 2017

Live your life

Depressed ! Cheer Up


Are you depressed ? if Yes, then introspect and think again cause life might be expecting you to give it another chance.
                                                   ~  PRIMEYE96

Threat to a nation

Desperate Measures

The current scenario of dialogues between Nations has degraded to a level of insensitivity and every nation has its own assumptions about diplomacy and bilateral talks between nation heads.

It is now becoming a trend for leaders of developed Nations to impose their decisions on yet to become developed Nations .

Some rouge Nations keep on bluffing about their anti-social elements and continue to threat the world by their immature statements of launching nuclear weapons on neighbouring nations.

This scenario is escellating day by day and if the world doesn't pays it's attention on such issues then there will certainly be a World War III.